
What does it mean to be a Christian ?

What does it mean to be a Christian ?

What Does it Mean to be a Christian?

What it means to be a Christian, at least according to culture, has changed over the years. Many people think that going to church occasionally or simply believing in God makes them a Christian. But the Bible presents a different perspective and definition of a Christian.

A Christian is someone whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ.

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African American Family Values

African American Family Values

Like the ideals of most ethnic groups in the country, African American family values reflect many common goals and principles, but also vary according to geographic location, cultural and educational backgrounds and prevailing economic conditions.

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Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about Parenting?

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about Parenting?

Each one of us of us was born into a family, but not all of us know the beauty of a Christian family. Some of us were raised in homes that were healthy, loving and centered on Christ, and some of us were raised in broken homes or broken situations where we experienced more pain and sadness than joy. Regardless of our past, we are free and equipped to set the tone for our family and raise our children up in a Godly environment.

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